How To Get Rid Of Moths In Lawn

Let’s face it, having moths on your lawn is a pest that every lawn owner can live without. To get rid of them, you will have to spot them in your grass during the larval stage. By doing this, you’ll increase the chances of preventing your lawn from becoming attacked and eaten.

How To Get Rid Of Moths on Lawn

Early Treatment

The earlier you can spot moths or webworms, the better. If you spot them, use a pesticide and attach it to a hose or tank sprayer. This will allow you to spread the pesticide evenly and kill the larvae within minutes. 

You have to be careful when using pesticides. Using excessive pesticides will endanger your grass and cause it to die in the long run. Spray only in the areas where moths are present to reduce the chance of lawn decay. 

Moth Repellant Plants

Some plants will keep the moths away from your lawn. You can place them around the perimeter of your property to act as a natural barrier. As a result, it will deter them from looking for a nesting site and laying eggs. 

To repel moths use plants such as lavender, thyme, and ginseng. With these plants, you can plant a few of them on your lawn. Take time to experiment on which plants work and continue to add the plants that do.

Remember to get plants that grow within your area. Otherwise, you’re making the moth repellant process more difficult on yourself. 

Regular Maintenance

Regularly taking care of your lawn is a great way to keep moth away from it. You’ll have to feed your lawn the nutrients needed to help the grass grow strong and stay protected from insect damage. If your lawn grass is wilting, it’s a sign that you’ll have to feed it water. 

For better results, make sure you take advantage of using rain to water your lawn naturally. You can also use sprinklers to ensure that water is evenly spread throughout the lawn. Always try to care for your lawn as it will reduce the damage that moths and their larvae cause. 

How to Keep Moths Away From Lawn?

Grass Cultivar

You can plant resistant grass cultivar to protect your lawn from moths. For instance, you can use Florentine, Captiva, and Amerishade. However, you’ll want to refrain from using too much fertilizer on your grass. 

Too much fertilizer will lead to thatch accumulation and growth enhancement. This will cause the moth larvae to attack the lawn more frequently. Try using a small amount of fertilizer at first and see what results they’ll provide. 

Parasitic Nematodes

Nematodes are a common predator of moths. In fact, Steinernema spp is known to reduce approximately 91% of the larvae population. However, insect-parasitic nematodes can have a short shelf life, reducing their effectiveness over time. 

You can use them effectively if you read the instructions carefully. It is important to irrigate them to ensure that they keep your lawn moth free. 

Remember, they are creatures as well. Look at the package’s expiration date before applying it to your lawn. While there are many nematodes to choose from, Bacillus thuringiensis is the best one. 

Horticultural Oil

Alternatively, you can use horticultural oil to remove moths from your lawn. You can even spray the oil on the grass. To get the best results, never use motor oil, mineral oil, or any form of non-horticultural oil.

Soap Flush Technique

The soap flush technique is a good way to keep moths off your lawn during the early stage. Start by mixing a gallon of water with an ounce of dishwashing soap. This is enough to cover one square yard, so use more depending on the size of your lawn. 

You can find moth larvae by filling up a can with the bottle placed on the turf. Place a mixture of dishwashing liquid and water to irritate the larvae. Since moth larvae dislike the mixture, you’ll see them floating inside of it. After spotting them, allow for the moth larvae to perish in the water.

Why are there so many moths on my lawn?

If you had issues with having moths on your lawn, you’re not alone. Moth infestations are common within the US. Occasionally, there is a boost of insects in certain states, and moths are one of them. 

Moths are attracted to your lawn due to weather and environmental conditions. Extended wet weather will encourage moth growth. This will cause them to consume more plants and breed within your yard. 

Moths are the adult form of sod webworms. Webworms are a voracious pest to your lawn because they are harder to see. While you can see adult moths because they can fly, their larval forms can be hidden underneath the grass. 

Having an excessive amount of moths can be detrimental to the health of your lawn. That’s why you’ll see lawn owners using insecticides and other solutions to remove them. Through the help of insecticides and their natural predators, you can reduce the number of moths entering your lawn. 

Can Moths Damage Lawns?

While adult moths are harmless, their larvae form can pose a huge threat to your lawn. Adult moths tend to sip flower nectar and dew from the grass. Since its larvae counterpart needs to eat to grow, they will treat your lawn grass as a primary food source. 

In fact, adult moths only consume the leaves. Even though the grass turns brown because of its appetite, the moths don’t cause severe damage to the root. The grass will only because severely affected if there’s heavy traffic or a drought. 

Moths can’t entirely damage lawns because the grass is able to withstand their attacks. The grass will have severe damage in rare cases due to the second generation of larvae attacking it. So always be careful with larvae or sod webworms, as they can potentially ruin the aesthetic value of your lawn.  

Types of Moths

White Moths

White moths are lawn moths that grow up to ¾ inches in size. They have an appendance with a snout-like appearance, but some might be larger in size. At rest, you’ll notice that they have their wings close to their body, which shows they have a slim body. 

Female white moths lay their eggs on grass blades throughout the year. Because of this, multiple moth generations can arrive quickly in your yard. 

On average, it takes a week for moth larvae to hatch from their eggs. To transition from larvae to adult stages, they will eat small sections of grass. That’s why you’ll notice small patches of uneven grass. 

Moth larvae can be dangerous to your lawn. They will attack any turf or grass, making the grass die quickly if there is a drought. 

Brown Moths

Brown moths are also known as grass moths. They tend to roam on turfgrass as their main food source. Brown moths have a presence that annoys farmers and turfgrass managers. They are considered pests that will eat a myriad of flowers, plants, and weeds.

You can find grass moths everywhere, but you’ll usually find them in grassy areas where they fly around. Webworms are the larvae form of brown moths. They tend to stay in shrubbery and grass throughout the day.

Brown moths become more active during the evening. It eats grass blades and stems that are close to the ground during the sunset and continues to do so until dusk. Because of their feeding habits, they create yellow patches of grass during the summer. If you properly maintain your lawn, brown moths will be a minor issue. 

Sod Webworms

Sod webworms are the larval form of moths. These are the most dangerous because they are more likely to attack the grass. On average, they have a lifespan of a year. They are a common nuisance for cemeteries, golf course greens, and other frequent sun exposure areas. 

They receive their name because of the web-lined tunnels they live in during the day. Based on their appearance, webworms have a light brown or light green color and a row of spots along with their bodies. Meanwhile, adult moths have wings that wrap around their bodies and a white or tan-like appearance. 

Sod webworms are also known as moths that are in their second stage of life. After they hatch from their eggs, they tend to feed on grass for around 10 days. The webworms eat grass stems and leaves as they grow, completing around 6-10 larval instars. 

You’ll want to keep an eye out for your lawn during the spring season. That’s because the most lethal species is present. They are more likely to damage a lawn in one season and multiply rapidly. 


To conclude, it’s best to remove moths from your lawn when they are in the larval stage. This is when they are the most dangerous and more likely to attack your grass for food. You’ll find it easier to keep them out of your lawn with proper lawn care and maintenance for good. 

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