Why Are Bees Hovering Over My Grass (How to get rid of them)

Have you ever seen a bee hovering over your grass? It can be a puzzling sight. Why are they there? What do they want? What are they doing? In this blog post, we will explore the mystery of why bees hover over grass. We will discuss the different theories that have been proposed to explain this behavior, and we will also provide some tips on how to prevent bees from hovering over your lawn!

3 Reasons Bees May Be Hovering Over Your Grass

There are a few different theories that have been proposed to explain why bees may hover over grass and some of them have to do with the bee’s needs. Below, we cover three of the most likely reasons:

They Want to Build a Nest

Before bees decide to build a nest, they will often scout out multiple potential locations. This means that they may fly around your yard, looking for the perfect spot to set up their hive. If you have seen a bee hovering over your grass, it is possible that they are considering using your lawn as a site for their new home!

While this may seem like a bad thing, there are actually some benefits to having bees nest on your property. For one, it can help to pollinate your plants and flowers. Additionally, honeybees are generally gentle creatures and pose little threat to humans or animals. If you decide that you would like to encourage bees to nest on your property, there are a few things you can do to make it more attractive to them. These include planting native flowers and avoiding the use of pesticides.

They Are Collecting Pollen or Nectar

Bees are attracted to certain flowers because they offer a good source of pollen or nectar. If you have noticed bees hovering around your grass, it is possible that they are after one of these resources.

Pollen is a powdery substance that bees collect from the flowers they visit. It is an important part of their diet and helps them to make honey. Nectar, on the other hand, is a sugary liquid that bees collect from flowers. They use it as a source of energy and it also helps them to make honey.

If you would like to attract bees to your property, you can do so by planting flowers that are rich in pollen or nectar. Some good examples include lavender, rosemary, and thyme. Similarly, if you wish to deter them, you can avoid planting these types of flowers.

They Are Looking for Water

Bees need water to survive and they will often look for sources of water in gardens and yards. If you have seen a bee hovering over your grass, it is possible that they are trying to find a way to get to the water beneath it.

There are a few things you can do to provide bees with water and, at the same time, prevent them from damaging your lawn. One option is to place a shallow dish of water in your yard. You can also create a bee bath by filling a container with sand or gravel and adding water. The bees will be able to reach the water but they will not be able to get stuck in it.

As you can see, there are a few different reasons why bees may be hovering over your grass. While this behavior can be puzzling, it is actually not cause for alarm. In most cases, bees pose no threat to humans or animals and they can even offer some benefits, such as pollinating your plants.

How to Get Rid of Bees From Your Grass

If you are concerned about bees nesting on your property, there are a few things you can do to discourage them. Read on to find some helpful tips:

Avoid Planting Flowers That Attract Bees

As we mentioned earlier, bees are attracted to certain flowers because they offer a good source of pollen or nectar. If you want to deter bees from hovering over your grass, you can avoid planting these types of flowers. Some examples of flowers that attract bees include lavender, rosemary, and thyme. Similarly, if you are trying to attract bees to your property, you can plant these flowers.

Use Pesticides Sparingly

Pesticides can be effective at deterring bees from your property. However, it is important to use them sparingly and only when necessary. This is because pesticides should be used to deter bees, not kill them. Using too much pesticide can actually be harmful to bees and other pollinators.

Mow Your Lawn Regularly

Nothing says “stay away” like a well-manicured lawn. If you want to discourage bees from hovering over your grass, make sure to mow it regularly. This will create a neat and tidy appearance that bees are not likely to find appealing. Moreover, this will get rid of any flowers that may be attracting them since they won’t be able to grow.

What Kinds of Bees Hover Over the Ground?

There are a few different types of bees that are known to hover over the ground. These include bumblebees, carpenter bees, and sweat bees. To give you a better idea of which bees are hovering over your yard, be sure to read these short descriptions below.


Bumblebees are large, fuzzy insects that are typically yellow and black. They are important pollinators and they often nest in the ground. These bees are not aggressive and they will only sting humans if they feel threatened. In addition to this, bumblebees are not known to carry diseases that can be transmitted to humans.

Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees are similar in appearance to bumblebees but they are usually a little bit larger. They get their name from the fact that they build their nests by tunneling into wood. Carpenter bees do not typically sting humans, but they can cause damage to your property if they nest in it.

Sweat Bees

Sweat bees get their name from the fact that they are attracted to the sweat on humans. These bees are small and they are usually black or green. While they can sting humans, their stings are not considered to be dangerous. Sweat bees typically nest in the ground or in wood which explains why they are often found near houses or hovering close to the ground where humans are walking.


As a homeowner, you may be wondering why bees are hovering over your grass. Thankfully, as we have covered in this article, there are a few different reasons why this may be happening. In most cases, bees pose no threat to humans or animals, and they can even offer some benefits, such as pollinating your plants. However, this article has also provided certain tips on keeping these pollinators away from your home. These tips include avoiding flowers that attract bees, using pesticides sparingly, and mowing your lawn regularly. Finally, we have also briefly described some of the different types of bees that are known to hover over the ground. Hopefully, this article has given you a better understanding of why bees may be hovering over your grass and what you can do to deter them.


Why do bees hover close to the ground?

There are a few different reasons why bees may be hovering over your grass. As covered in the article, bees may be attracted to certain flowers or they may be looking for a source of water. Additionally, some types of bees build their nests in the ground, which explains why they are often found hovering close to it.

Do all bees hover over the ground?

No, not all bees hover over the ground. In fact, some bees actually live in trees or shrubs. However, there are a few types of bees that are known to hover close to the ground, such as bumblebees, carpenter bees, and sweat bees.

What does a hovering bee mean?

Although some people tend to panic when they see a bee hovering over their grass, it is important to remember that not all bees are aggressive. In most cases, a bee is simply looking for a source of pollen or nectar. If you are concerned about the bee population on your property, there are a few things you can do to deter them, such as mowing your lawn regularly or planting certain flowers.

Why are wasps hovering over grass?

Like bees, wasps are attracted to certain flowers. They may also be looking for a source of water or a place to build their nests. However, wasps are more aggressive than bees and they are more likely to sting humans. If you see a wasp hovering over your grass, it is best to stay away from it.

Should I be worried if I see a bee hovering over my grass?

Not necessarily. As mentioned before, bees rarely hover over the ground to sting humans. However, if you are allergic to bee stings, it is important to be cautious around them. If you see a bee hovering close to your grass, try to stay calm and avoid any sudden movements. Additionally, if you have young children or pets on your property, it is best to keep an eye on them in case they get too close to the bee.

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