Zeon Zoysia Vs. Emerald Zoysia

In the Zeon Zoysia vs. Emerald Zoysia debate, both grass types can be used to make your lawn have a great appearance with a bit of maintenance. Get the zeon zoysia grass if you want reliable, fast, and versatile grass. Use the emerald zoysia grass if you don’t want to take too much time mowing your lawn throughout the year. In the end, it’s up to personal preference as both types of grass have great characteristics behind them. 

Zeon Zoysia

Zeon Zoysia is described as grass with superior shade tolerance, accelerated growth speed, and reduced thatch. Because of this, this makes the grass very adaptable and able to survive through the seasons if the owner takes frequent care of the grass. 

Also, Zeon Zoysia is a warm grass, meaning that you can grow it during the late spring or summer. This grass is most used within the “sunbelt” areas within the U.S. This region includes states such as:

  • Nevada
  • Alabama
  • New Mexico
  • Texas
  • South Carolina

Sunbelt regions are described as southern areas that are below the 32 min north latitude. These areas are good for zeon zoysia grass as they can gain height over the summer and withstand the winter frost season. You should get a protective covering to ensure the grass doesn’t become damaged for optimal results. And make sure that you water it post-winter so that it can get out of its dormant stage. 

Emerald Zoysia

Emerald Zoysia is a grass that has a thin-bladed leaf and can grow easily on your lawn. It has the same level of shade resistance as its zeon counterpart and can even be left unmowed. You can allow it to remain unmowed until it reaches a maximum height of 15-30 cm (6-12 inches). 

If you’re planning to use emerald zoysia grass, it’s best to use it for high-quality lawns with good maintenance and grass growth techniques. Remove the clippings and use a reel mower when cutting emerald zoysia. 

In addition, emerald zoysia has a fine leaf texture and a dark green setting. If the grass is overfertilized, it will grow an excessive amount of thatch. This grass is known for its low growth habit, fine leaf texture, and increased density. 

What Is The Difference Between Zeon And Emerald Zoysia?

When comparing the two, you’ll want to consider the time it takes for them to grow into the tall grass. 

The Zeon Zoysia has a faster spread rate compared to the two. This means that the grass can reach your lawn provide better coverage. You can expect to see zoysia grass coverage results within 20-40 weeks. Meanwhile, it can finally take around 50 weeks to see the emerald zoysia finally reach its adult stage finally. 

On the other hand, emerald zoysia tends to grow thatch faster. Because of this, the emerald zoysia grass can become more susceptible to winter damage. Zeon Zoysia has more durability, as the grass is well equipped to get through winter and stand through the high heat. 

Which Is Better For Your Lawn

The Emerald Zoysia has a normal growth rate than the Zoysia grass. That’s because the grass might spread over the emerald grass, so consider that when you mix the two. 

Zoysia grass is better for your lawn if you don’t want to wait for your grass to grow to its full size. Emerald grass is better for your yard if you want grass that looks better by aesthetics but has a slow-growing process. 

Can You Mix Emerald And Zeon Zoysia?

You can mix emerald and zeon zoysia grass. The Zeon zoysia grass is able to grow through warm, humid environments, but you’ll have to ensure that it is watered regularly. To mix the two types of grass, make sure you have the emerald zoysia first. 

The emerald zoysia will need time to grow more than the zeon zoysia grass. You’ll want the emerald zoysia grass to get more into the soil before adding the zeon. That’s because the zeon zoysia grows at a faster speed and might overlap with the emerald zoysia grass if you plant the seeds too early.

What Type Of Zoysia Grass Is Best?

Both grass types have unique features that make them useful for any lawn. So, which one is better is ultimately up to your preference. People prefer using emerald grass because it requires less maintenance. Its slow growth means that you don’t have to mow your grass often too much time. 

The emerald grass is better suited for lawns with medium shade or full sunlight. When it is taken care of, it will handle traffic and can be used in large lawns for entertainment purposes (i.e., festivals, etc.).

The zeon zoysia grass is best for water retention and protection against external environments. For example, the grass can penetrate deep within the soil and absorb more nutrients and moisture. 

Because of the Zoysia grass’ absorbance, it can remain hydrated and evergreen. Thus, its increased hydration allows it to fight against diseases and pests. Since the emerald grass absorbs less water, it won’t last as long. 

Is Zeon Zoysia The Same As Zenith Zoysia?

Both the zeon zoysia and zenith zoysia are not the same. Zeon Zoysia is a grass that is known for its reduced thatch layer and adaptability. Expect to mow the lawn often with this grass because the zeon grass has more density and can grow. 

Zenith zoysia grass has a low density, meaning it will take longer to grow. For the average lawn owner, the grass has a lot of time to develop. This makes zenith zoysia more comparable to emerald zoysia because both grass types will require long-term care. 

If you plan on planting Zenith zoysia grass, it’s best to do it when it’s in the dormant phase. This will make the grass eligible for better growth during the spring seasons. The spring will allow the grass to retain its nutrients because of its mild temperature. 


How Much Does Zeon Zoysia Cost

Zeon zoysia is sold by the square foot, so the price may vary depending on where you buy it. For instance, it can cost around $315.00 for 450 square feet of grass. Always make price comparisons as the grass prices will also change throughout the seasons. 

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