How To Repair Lawn Damaged By Rabbits

If you have a lawn, chances are you’ve experienced a pair of rabbit droppings on the ground. Don’t worry; this guide will aid you in protecting your yard from overgrazing. Throughout the article, we’ll help you diagnose when rabbits are on your lawn and explain how to neutralize their activity. 

By the end, you’ll have enough information and strategies needed to keep the rabbit away and preserve the quality of your lawn. That way, you’ll be able to see what problems are arising in your lawn and handle them before it becomes a major issue. 

How To Repair Lawn Damaged By Rabbit

When rabbits enter your lawn, they tend to eat the grassroots because it is an important part of their diet. However, this can cause damage to your yard by creating patches of dead grass and holes throughout your lawn. Here are some ways to prevent them from damaging your lawn.

Diagnose the Damage

Look at your lawn to assess the damage that rabbits have caused. If you cannot catch them on the spot, then look for the rabbit droppings that are scattered throughout the lawn. Use a mixture of cayenne pepper and water to spray around the lawn’s edges. 

That way, the rabbits are repelled from the lawn and keep your area clean. While you’ll have to reseed the lawn again, this will reduce the chances of rabbits appearing in your backyard. Through a proper diagnosis, you’ll know what areas are affected and how to rid them of future rabbit infestations. 


If you have a lawn that’s filled with rabbits, consider resodding the area. You can sod to replace the previously eaten grass. Alternatively, you can buy new grass to repair your lawn quickly. 

Communicate With Your Neighbors

Speak to your neighbors about the problem if rabbits are a common threat to your garden. Perhaps the rabbits are coming from your neighbor’s lawn because they are leaving food out in the open. While this might not solve the problem if it’s on your lawn, you can politely ask your neighbor if they can maintain their yard. 

Create a Rabbit Guard

Creating a rabbit guard is a great way to protect your garden. It works by preventing the rabbits from digging in your yard. Additionally, it prevents the rabbits from eating the grassroots. 

Boric Acid

You can use boric acid if you don’t want to use plants to eliminate rabbits. It is usually sold in garden centers and hardware stores. Boric acid is a pest control solution that will kill rabbits if ingested. While they aren’t toxic to other animals, make sure that you protect young children and pets from exposure. 

Place Wire Fencing 

Another solution is to create a barrier through chicken wire or mesh wire around the holes or patches made by the rabbits. You can ring the holes with patches with thyme and marigolds that rabbits dislike. This will discourage the rabbits from reentering your lawn. 

Scare Tactics

One way to scare your rabbit is to have your dog or cat run them off. You can offer them alternative scare tactics such as flashlights, fake owls, ultrasonic devices, and aluminum pie pans. Using these scare tactics will view it as a threat and avoid interacting in that area.  

Rabbit Repellant 

You can spray rabbit repellant on the grass to prevent rabbits from reentering your lawn. Make sure to mix the repellant with water to stop rabbits from entering your lawn for three months. However, if you want to eliminate rabbits and their holes, this solution is not the best because it’s difficult to repair or dig up the grass. 

Another way to repel rabbits is by placing cat litter, pet, or human hair on the lawn. Place this in a defensive circle around the lawn to keep your rabbits away from the area. When it rains, always add your rabbit repellent to ensure that it’s connected to the ground once the rain evaporates. 


Fencing is a great way to create a protective perimeter from rabbits. Measure the area of your lawn or garden, and start to create a wooden fence around that area. That way, it will be difficult for rabbits to enter and attack your grass. 

Is Rabbit Urine Harmful To Grass?

Rabbit urine under high concentration can lead to brown spots on the grass. This is because their urine burns the grass, placing it in a state where it needs to recover. Fortunately, they won’t harm the root system, giving you enough time to allow the grass to regrow. 


Rabbits use weeds and turfgrass for shelter. They make dens by bending the grab grass, killing it, and breaking the blades. The rabbits can also grab the grass from the other areas in the yard and make thatch that’s good for nesting.





How Do You Neutralize Rabbit Urine?

To neutralize rabbit urine, start by sprinkling water over the affected areas. 

Make sure that you don’t overwater these areas as it will cause a pool of water. Wait at least 3-4 hours to get the water to evaporate. Diluting the urine with water is an effective line of defense against rabbit urine. Since rabbits are creatures of habit, they will often urinate throughout the day.

Additionally, using Gypsum can neutralize the salt that’s left from rabbit urine. This will promote improved drainage and improve the quality of your soil. These features are useful in keeping the ground clean from rabbit urine because the rabbit urine would soak into the ground if left unattended. 


Does Rabbit Poop Ruin Grass?

Rabbit poop has a small and round appearance. While the rabbit poop is small, you’ll notice numerous droppings throughout the lawn. Once this happens, it can become a hassle to remove them promptly. 



How To Clean Rabbit Poop Off Grass?

If you notice a small amount of rabbit poop in the garden, grab a pair of gloves and start throwing it in the trash. By doing this, you’ll prevent it from becoming a larger mess. 

However, there will be times here the rabbit droppings can become overwhelming. To prevent this, start by seeding and patching the large bald areas. These will keep the lawn clean from further rabbit dropping.

In addition, you can use a poop scooper to remove excessive droppings from your yard. Most of the damage occurs when the poop is left in the same spot. Having this tool nearby will help make it easier to keep your lawn clean. 

Change the Rabbit’s Habitat

 If you have a pet rabbit, you’ll have more control over how they interact with your lawn. Block off areas that you don’t want the rabbit to poop in. This ensures that they won’t target the same spot. 

You’ll want to make sure that your lawn is as clean as possible and not severely damaged by rabbit droppings. By changing the locations, it will help you keep your grass fresh. 

Rinse The Area

When cleaning out rabbit poop, you’ll have to think about cleaning the area completely. Once the rabbit poop is removed, start by looking at the targeted rinsing area. Remember, picking up the rabbit droppings isn’t enough. You’ll need to grab your hose and clean out that affected area. 

How Are Rabbits Entering My Lawn? 

Rabbits are grown in nests, where baby rabbits are called kits. Once they become three weeks old, they start to leave the nest. When this happens, the adult rabbits will travel towards gardens with places that they can hide in. If you notice a nest in your lawn, you should mow it down immediately. This prevents the rabbits from expanding and causing more damage to the grass. 

Why Should I Clean My Lawn?

Even if you don’t want to have a prize lawn, you’ll have to care about fixing the lawn before your rabbits kill the grass completely. If the rabbits overgraze, your lawn will be ruined, and they won’t have anything else to eat.

It takes some rabbits to destroy a lawn. If you start to notice more than 5 rabbits, chances are your lawn is in danger.  By cleaning your lawn regularly, you’ll protect it from long-term damage. 

How to Fix It

Constantly move the rabbit around your lawn to prevent overgrazing. Do this before the rabbits start to play in an area of mud, so the grass can grow back. If the rabbits have overgazed for an extended period of time, then you’ll have to consider replacing your lawn.

To replace your lawn, you can buy pre-made turf during the late summer/spring. This is a good choice if you need a quick grass replacement and it’s on the right season of the year.


Mainly, you’ll want to protect your lawn from incoming and previous rabbit activity. 

Continue to clean the lawn to remove rabbit urine and pooped. By doing this, you’ll protect your lawn protect it from deteriorating. Conclusively, by following the previous tips listed in this article, you’ll have a better chance of defending your lawn throughout multiple seasons of rabbits.

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