Do Oak Trees Make Soil Acidic?

A beautiful tree with equally stunning leaves, oak trees add magnificence to any area they grow in. If you’re lucky enough to have one on your property, you’ve probably admired its beauty; despite all the leaves it does tend to drop. 

While it’s well worth it to have to rake up the leaves, you may have heard talk about them making the soil where they fall more acidic and are now wondering whether or not that is true.

While oak leaves do have a reasonably acidic pH compared to other leaves, their pH turns very neutral by the time they start breaking down. So before you hurry out to go clear them from your lawn, understand that this means that it’s unlikely that they’ll have any effect on your soil, so no need to worry. 

Any acidity that does leach into the dirt while the leaves break down will quickly neutralize, not having any long-term effect on your grass or soil—no need to panic.

Is Oak Wood Acidic?

Like most wood species, oak does tend to be acidic. There are some species that fall on the milder side, although oak isn’t one of them. In fact, the main volatile compound that gets released by oak is acetic acid, which is also found in vinegar. 

So yes, the rumors are true that oak wood is acidic, although don’t make plans to cut down the one in your yard quite yet. 

While the acidity can be important to note if you’re working with oak in wood form, there is no need to be concerned about the oak tree growing in your yard making the soil more acidic. 

Luckily, it doesn’t work like that—just because a plant likes acidic soil or even is on the acidic side themselves, doesn’t mean it’ll turn the area around them that way.

Are Oak Leaves Too Acidic For Compost?

No, oak leaves luckily aren’t too acidic for the compost, so rake and compost away! In fact, oak leaves make an excellent addition to your compost pile, adding beneficial microorganisms as they break down. 

Like any organic matter, you add to your compost bucket, oak leaves as compost turn into a natural fertilizer, meaning healthy root development and improved disease and pest resistance from the microorganisms. 

As another bonus, you’ll be using fewer toxins and reducing waste by composting material from your own house and property, which is good for the planet and your wallet.

To help speed up the process of the leaves breaking down, you may want to shred them before adding them to your compost bin. This will make the process of the leaves turning into usable compost much faster, although it isn’t necessary, so don’t fret if you don’t have a way to shred them.

Do Oak Trees Kill Grass?

Nope, oak trees will not cause any harm to your grass. While they do have a more acidic pH than some other trees, this doesn’t mean anything bad for your yard or surrounding areas. Grass and oak trees can happily coexist; in fact, the fallen leaves of oak trees can even provide your yard with some benefits. 

Just like mulch would, when oak leaves break down, they release nutrients that are good for the growing plants. Along with that, it’s important to remember that as the leaves from oak trees begin to break down, they become less acidic. 

This means that there’s no need to worry about them changing your soil’s pH or harming your grass; they won’t do anything of the sort. As a mulch, they can add high levels of nitrogen to your soil, which your plants will love. 

In fact, oak leaves have been found to contain as much nitrogen as cow manure—and are a lot less stinky at that!

Are Oak Leaves Good For Garden Soil?

Oak leaves not only make a useable mulch; they make an absolutely excellent one! Whether you use it on your garden soil or on your grass, oak leaf mulch is lovely and full of many nutrients that your plants will benefit from. 

Turning the leaves into compost and then using that as the soil in your garden is another great way to incorporate oak leaves into your garden. 

You can also take the chopped-up leaves and mix them into your soil, as they’ll decompose and release their nutrients there, as well. To do this, spread a pile of the leaves out into a thin layer, and go over them with a lawnmower a few times. 

If you have a bag attachment on your mower, be sure to use it on the last pass, as this will save you the step of having to bag them up after. If not, then you’ll just have to bag them yourself before bringing them to your garden, which is entirely doable.

Next, you’ll want to spread the chopped-up oak leaves onto your garden bed in a layer, before working them into the soil with a shovel or tiller. If you want to speed up the breakdown process of the leaves, you can add blood meal or synthetic nitrogen fertilizer along with them. 

Either way, the oak leaves will provide the plants in your garden with many incredible and beneficial nutrients, leaving you with a happier and healthier garden.


The misconception that the acidity of oak trees will harm the plants surrounding them is actually entirely false, and in fact, the exact opposite is found to be true. Despite being a more acidic tree, oaks have plenty to offer in terms of nutrients to the plants surrounding them. 

They won’t cause any harm, not even with the acidic leaves that they drop. As soon as they start to break down, oak leaves begin to turn less acidic, their pH changing to a more neutral level. 

This means that there’s no need to worry about them changing your soil’s pH level or killing your grass—these pretty leaves do nothing but help you and your property. 

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