Bleach vs Roundup For Weeds (Which is Better)

When trying to maintain your lawn, using either bleach or roundup will give you the weed removal result you’re seeking. Both have their strengths and weaknesses and have different reasons why they’re good for lawn maintenance. In this guide, we’ll explain bleach vs. roundup for weeds so you can determine which one is the best for you.


Does Bleach  Kill Weeds?

Yes bleach can kill weeds, but you’re placing your lawn at risk. Bleach is considered a toxic herbicide, meaning that it will negatively affect your plants, grass, and other lawn equipment if it’s overused.


If you plan to use bleach for your lawn, start by applying a small amount to a patch of test soil. This will let you determine if the grass needs more or less bleach. You’ll have a short-term solution against growing weeds on your lawn by continuously spreading bleach at a cautious yet effective level.


Alternatively, you can use herbicides to help with killing weeds. It saves you time and effort since you don’t have to reapply it multiple times like you would with bleach. Bleach should only be used sparingly, as it can lead to root burn, which can ruin your lawn if it’s not managed effectively.


Does Bleach Kill The Soil?

An excessive amount of bleach will cause your soil to decay. If you’re going to use it as a spray, then spray it on the targeted weeds and plants you’re trying to affect. Before spraying, you could mark the area to have accurate coverage over your soil.


Bleach needs to be used with caution. You can cause discoloration of your grass, root decay, and weaken the soil quality if it is not used correctly. Bleach can penetrate the soil and cause it to dry out the nutrients that it needs to survive.


In addition, bleach contains chlorine which will also get into the soil when used in large amounts. Bleach will kill the soil because it places the soil and plants at an acidic pH level. This can lead to more distress on your soil, making it difficult for your lawn to grow.


Chlorine has an 11 pH balance. Due to its high pH level, you have to be careful when using it on your soil. The high pH levels will inhibit its use of nutrients such as magnesium, iron, and nitrogen, which are essential for your plant’s growth.

How Can I Use Bleach to Kill Weeds?

You can use bleach to kill weeds by placing a solution of bleach inside a spray pump. This is a lighter and more garden-friendly solution than just pouring bleach.


Next, you’ll want to spray bleach directly on the targeted areas of the lawn. You’ll want to use it on weeds that are found between driveways and pavers. You’ll want to repeat the application on grass and weeds that did not get removed from the previous application. Wait at least 2-3 days before reapplying to ensure that your soil has enough time to recover.


If there are any dead weeds, pull them out of your garden. This will ensure that the yard will be clean. For weeds with a high growth rate (wild onion, dandelions, creeping charlie), you’ll need to reapply it 2-3 times to work correctly.


Unlike herbicides, bleach requires more maintenance. That’s because the chemicals inside of it can be dangerous if not measured beforehand.



How Can I Use RoundUp to Kill Weeds

To use a herbicide such as RoundUp, you’ll have to mix 1.5 ounces (3 tablespoons) of the RoundUp herbicide with a gallon of water. This ensures that you’ll have a solution that prevents weeds from regrowing on your lawn.


Another thing you’ll have to remember is to only kill the weeds you’re trying to control. You’ll want to be precise when using RoundUp, as it can kill existing grasses and weeds to root.

Bleach vs. Round – What Is Better For Killing Weeds



For safety, you’re better off choosing RoundUp for killing weeds. Since it is a herbicide, it doesn’t require you to use it extensively to receive the desired result. So you’ll have to use it two times at most to ensure your lawn is clear from weeds.


However, bleach has corrosive chemicals, irritating your eyes or burning your skin. So you have to take more proper care when planning on using bleach as a DIY weed killer. If you do plan on using bleach, make sure you:

  • Wear proper safety gloves and goggles
  • Make sure there are no children, pets, or elderly people when you spray
  • Don’t mix bleach with other chemicals until you’ve tested their reaction.
  • Pre-test a small area before applying bleach to the entire lawn

RoundUp wins in this category because it’s less invasive to your garden. You’ll still want to wear the right safety gear when in use, but it won’t be as harmful to your body as bleach.


Winner: RoundUp



Bleach can be effective, but only for the short term. For instance, when placed on the soil, it still gives the weeds a chance to grow back. You’ll have to wait longer to ensure that you get the most out of your bleach product.


In comparison to RoundUp, it takes 12 hours to 7 days to show its results. This is more effective than bleach because it can spread through the root of the weeds, making it easier for them to be removed.


Winner: RoundUp



You’re more likely to find bleach than RoundUp in your local market. This makes it more accessible to the average consumer and is one of the reasons why it is a popular DIY choice. Most of the time, you’ll be able to find RoundUp online, but it might not be as common as bleach.


Winner: Bleach


Can You Mix Bleach With Roundup

It is not recommended to mix bleach with RoundUp. While it may seem like a good idea, you’re adding extra stress to your grass and soil. This will make the weeds stay out of your lawn, but you might be adding long-term damage if you use too much bleach/RoundUp within the mixture.



To conclude, both bleach and roundup can be used to manage weeds within your lawn. Through consistent use, you’ll find that what works the best for you. 

Also read

Burning Weeds vs Roundup – Which is Better for Weeds ?

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